Thursday, 1 May 2008

Popcorn madness...

Two paper done!!! LOL! Two more papers next week...sounds like I have time to relax for now but NO! Why? Coz' I have two assignments due next week too! Yesh...very busy!
Anyway, I bought a packet of popping corn few weeks ago and I've been popping small amounts to munch on in a small porcelain bowl. Guess what...the bowl got hitam stains (which can't be washed out) already =.= I don't think the bowl can take the heat any longer...LOL! Therefore, I thought of getting...A popcorn maker =p

This is from Argos for 7.49pounds.
(No brand, Size:20x14.5x30cm, More 'me' =p)This is from Comet for 9.99pounds.

(Russell Hobbs brand, Size:*I think quite big*, Non-stick surface, Heat and mix setting to prevent overcooking, Cover=serving bowl)

Which one arh?! LOL! Mum...can I get one? HeHe!


Mel O said...

The second one looks alot better! Cantik dan besar.
But you don't need one lah!
Eat rice lah sayang, not popcorn.
So unnecessary!
Yes, I'm MRS Ong. Damn cheong hei like grandmother

Melissa said...

HAHAHA! The problem is...i got too banyak popping corn >.< Wat to do wit it?! LOL! Can't masak and eat also...wasted larh!