Sunday, 15 January 2012

What's right and what's wrong?!?

I might've blogged about this before but it would be ages ago. Just have to bring it up again. Most people think what they do is right and that they expect others to react or behave the way the expect them to. But in reality, every individual is different! Not even twins would choose the same food, same guy, same course, same job or same hairstyle!!! Well my point is people should understand and accept others for their choices. If I want to drive a pink car, I am driving a pink car...not you! You are not in the car, you are not driving the car, you are not buying the car, you are not using the's none of your business!!! Just look for something to do that's related to YOUR life.

Just because you've once chosen the wrong path, doesn't mean the path you once chose will be wrong for another person. The consequences will be different as time change, things change. It is so very important to have the value of acceptance and an understanding heart to ensure you have a healthy mindset. Yes, it is naturally human nature to talk about others and not realise we are the ones behaving the way we object. But it doesn't have to be that way, we can change. We can change for the benefit of the future of humankind. Stop objecting what people do and concentrate on your own life. If advice is not asked for, keep your advice to yourself. This is 2012. A 23year old is an adult...especially when they don't get pocket money no more!

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