The pretty colours in the sky!!!
Which brings me to talk about food! Today I had a sinful brunch! I had to finish my bananas and I did not want to eat it the same way I did yesterday. I went creative. I sliced a banana in half and pan fry it a little with honey. Bad idea! It became very soft! LOL! So I laid it on a sliced of toasted bread. As for the other slice of toasted bread, I spread strawberry jam and laid another sliced banana on it. Why is it sinful you ask? I topped both slices of bread with...vanilla ice cream! Well, I couldn't leave the tub of ice cream in the freezer forever...right?! LOL! It was really cheap too...a huge tub, I think it was 1 litre, for 85pence!
My brunch =p
As for my dinner tonight, I made fried rice =) first fried rice since I got here. I had fine beans in my fridge and I need to use them. I bought two cans of lean corned beef a week ago as it was hell cheap! Two cans for 89pence!!! So I bought but I had no idea how to use it! LOL! So I asked my aunt and she say "use it to cook fried rice...very nice!". So I decided to try. The first spoon instantly prime me to gobble down the whole bowl of rice! I am so gonna cook that again tomorrow =p I am planning to go Tesco tomorrow to check out if the deal is still on!!! Have to stock up on that! LOL! Shoot! Talking bout food makes me hungry again! I shall stop here!
Fried rice: lean corned beef, onion and fine beans =)
Wow!...yummy brunch...
1st look thought it was durian...yummy king of fruits...2nd look is yummy vanilla ice cream. Ummmph...some choc topping could also add some Joules but would also add some flavour. Well…Chinese says ‘seik tak hai fook’ (something like - eating is prosperous). That also explain why the uncle is so prosperous at the waist area…hehehe. Kowfu (KL)
Bwahahha I don't want to LOOK prosperous physically larh! LOL! But yea...eating well is something good =)
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