Tuesday 25 September 2007

Silly day in Tesco!

Free day today!!! Woke up in the morning to web cam with my mum. For the first time I am so far away and finally get to see my mum's and bro face...LOL! Well we chat on msn and I have so many things to tell her. Well I guess this is what it is like for being far away. Anyway, we went Tesco again to stock up our food. We were so happily planning for our food for the week and were so happy with the great deals like two frozen pizza for 2.99 pounds, two bottles of jam for 1.06 pounds, 30slices of ham for 2 pounds, a huge bag of pasta for 69 pence, huge can of pasta sauce for 52 pence and 8 Heinz canned cream soup for 3 pounds!!! Imagine if you saw 8 Heinz canned cream soup for RM3!!! Don't convert...it will look bad then..LOL! Anyway, we bought our own supply and when we paid, we were laughing at each other! We bought way too many stuffs that we couldn't even carry! We were struggling badly to get back to our rooms with all the things. I think we stopped about 6 times to rest our arms. I think two fella's offered to help but we denied..LOL! It was seriously crazy! We vow to never do that again...LOL! Besides, Tesco is only like 8mins walk from campus.

Then we went back to our rooms and ta-daa...here I am doing this. Owh before that, a maintenance dude came in to all our rooms to lock the windows more! He say only can open till 6inches! OMG! Actually I'm fine with it. I only open like 2inches the most! It is too cold to open wider! By the way, there is no air conditioner here...only heater =) Owh yea, I dropped my manicure set in the wardrobe and it is seriously INSIDE! There is no way that I can think of to get it out. I tried sticking my hand in the hole that it fell into but my arm is too huge. I was VERY sad when I lost it...it happened few days ago. So I asked the maintenance dude if he can help. He say there is no way to get it out...and then he move the board around and drawers and all and then one of the planks actually moved! So he asked me to move my stuff so he can remove the plank. I did and he reach in for my manicure set!!!!!!! I got it back! I literally jump like 'chun li' at the sight of my manicure set! I thanked him and he was like "Are you happy now?" LOL! And I was like "YEA! VERY!!! Thanks!" Lol! So now I am going to my friends' flat to make dinner...will update again soon!

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