Something Malaysia don't have which I enjoy here =p A no-chocolate version of Kinder Bueno...Kinder Happy Hippo! LOL! I just have this thing for Kinder stuff =p Basically it is the same biscuit but with milk and hazelnut filling *Yum* LOL! I didn't buy it because I was trying to resist it but someone bought it for me so...yea...LOL!
I have been longing to take a picture of a complete set meal of McD here but I only remember it at the end of the meal =p so here is the not-so-complete meal...The deli was already in my tummy so it's just the wrapper...and the fruit bag wasn't inclusive, I got it for free because there was some 'instant win' thing going on.
Nothing beats a good movie after meal =p Yes, temptations led me to spend money...again =( But worth spending once in a while =) LOL! Gosh I sound so bi-polar now =p Watched...
I want to watch Awake and Funny Games but sadly, no company =( I would like to ask my 'lesbian date' to go with me but 101% she won't! Not her kind of movie...LOL!
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