Monday 11 June 2007

Dinner today...

My hands smell of garlic and my house stinks too! Well not the garbage type of stink but the oily smell after cooking type of stink. Yes, I cook dinner myself for those who don't know...and I cook for the whole family too! Say what you want but I used to hate garlic but food taste fantabulous with it! I fried fishes the Chinese style and I actually wrap my right hand with a table cloth when I'm flipping the fish over! LOL I'm not being soft of anything like that but it hurts when the burning oil land on your skin! After frying the fish till golden brown, I moved on with cooking Chinese style omelet (Yes, that omelets that have no other ingredients other than french beans and eggs). Then I cooked mix veges but with only two types of vege (pea sprouts and sweet peas). It smells and taste yummy =p I have to admit though, this dish is a little drenched in oil. I accidentally pour too much oil =p Whatever, my cooking rocks! Bwahahhaha! My mum came home with McDonalds but she swap food with my bro (which is my cooking)!!! How cool is that?! LOL I lovie my mummy! =)

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