Friday 27 February 2009

Business Psychology 'luck'

Today was unlike another Thursday. There was more to this Thursday.

I manage to get ME back. I "grew balls", someone said. LOL! (Literally, of course!) Maybe I just never showed them all this while?

Anyway, a major THING happened today. I haven't been talking about this before so it may seem like it is no big deal but it is a HUGE one! This year I am taking a module called Business Psychology (because Industrial & Organizational Psychology is one of the areas I might further pursue). Well this module started in September 08 and will last till May 09, one whole academic year to be exact. However, this module could be deemed a disappointment...because of the lectures. No, this is not external attribution but it is REALITY! I am sure every single student in the class will agree with me! Here is the summary of the lectures conducted:
-Total teaching weeks: 24
-Currently in week: 19
-Lectures left before finals: 5
-Lectures attended: +/- 6
-Lectures GIVEN: 9

Yes, fantastic bombastic statistics =) So today someone finally did something. A lecturer came in to 'discuss' with us about the module because we are VERY far behind. There is so much to cover and in 5 lectures, there is NO WAY! In addition to that, the lecturer is STILL sick! Unfortunately he is the only Organizational Psychology expert in the Uni so they couldn't get anyone to replace him. He is probably in his 60's and I don't really have to say this but he is ALWAYS sick! Hence, the numerous cancellation of classes!

We have to write up two essays of 25% each and a 50% UNSEEN, 3hour final exam. Due to these "unforeseen" circumstances, they are considering to 'help us out'. Everyone in the class was very enthusiastic about criticizing on the poorly conducted module. Finally the conclusion of the discussion was:
-Reduction from 2 essays to 1 (@ 50%), One (still) unseen exam but with "very accurate" tips
-OR we could drop the module and take another module called Negotiated Essay
-OR we could drop the module and take a short internship

The drama:
1. I freaking COMPLETED 2 essays and as a result, my bedtime was between 3-5am for the past two weeks! Out of 30 students in class today, only 2 (me and another girl) completed both essays. Yes, we flipped (DUH!). So the very kind lecturer told us, he will mark both essays and bring forward the one with higher marks (Err...Hell NO?!) So then he said he will take both essays to count and reduce our exam load (having lesser questions, hours etc.) for both of us. Yea, that's much better! It's unfair to just discard our VERY hard work! *wipes tears* LOL!

2. Negotiated essay is basically a dissertation paper but without doing a research. I would say it's similar to a qualitative paper instead of quantitative. The topic chosen must be related to Business Psychology and about 5000-7000 words. That is it, no other essays, no exams. Cool! However, in your degree certificate, it would say that you took "Negotiated Essay" module instead of "Business Psychology". Errr...watafak?! Show it to any company and they will for sure show you their watafak faces!

3. Short internship option. If you're thinking of what I was thinking, you're wrong! It is not a physical's a written one. Basically you'll have to write a 5000 words paper on any topic about Psychology which you've been wanting to write about (with literature support of course). Basically it's like building your own theories on top of existing ones or just altering existing ones with empirical literature support. That was it, no other assessments. Again, the issue with certificate...this module would be some title they give (which is not Business Psychology). It is an interesting option but there would be ALOT of work to do...researching and what not =.=

I guess I will stick to the altered Business Psychology module. Since I've done those two essays anyway! Pfbt! Worth complaining! Oh...joke of the day:

Lecturer: There will be a lecture next week! So please come. I don't know who is lecturing...but there will be someone lecturing.

LOL! Poor guy. It makes me wonder the trouble they have to go through just because of a sickly colleague...poor thing! Well, tough luck =p LOL!

I need women who gamble! Please contact me at: " LOL! I'm joking! It's (no joke). Your help would very much be appreciated =)

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