Thursday 18 December 2008

Soft, strong wall...

Have you ever felt like you did something silly that made you realize how silly it was for doing it after some time? Worst still, people around you are telling you what a fool you've been. That is when you feel like the strong wall you have been building all this while just came down on you. But people still think you're 'strong' enough to handle it. Well, human beings have a soft...fragile and compassionate side of them. There are so many kinds of personalities in this world. Some people are not shy to show the world that they are weak, emotional people...yet some people are just protective, trying to look strong and tough on the outside.

People who looks (or try to) strong on the outside might not be really it...they are people who do not want to show that they have a soft, weak side of them. Is that wrong? Are they fakes?! I say no! They deserve to be respected for their efforts. They might have a reason for doing so in the first place. It might be that they do not want to disappoint people around them or simply just past experiences. Being human, it is never easy to look strong on the outside. It is something one have to build over the years and maintain. But there is always the weak side of them reminding the things lost, the people missed and the mistakes done. The least they need is sharp, mean words shooting at them.

If they make a mistake, the strong wall they have been building up all this while comes crumbling down, stay by their side and support them. Don't be the one causing the landslides...don't be the one telling them 'I told you so'...don't be the one questioning their mistakes. People make mistakes...and sometimes they make couple of the same mistakes before they finally realize (if ever). It is easy for us to tell people what we have gone through hoping that they will not fall for the same mistakes. But lessons of life is something to be learnt through experience. That is why no matter how much advice one take in, they still won't be the perfect person, they will make a mistake at some point.

Live your own life and treat people how you want to be treated. Don't tell people what to do and how to do it just because you feel it is the right thing to do. What you feel is right might not be right to them, or be right in general. All we need is people to support what WE want to do and not them telling us how to live our life like them or for them. Advices are good, sharing is caring...but don't expect people to take your advices and make no mistakes in life. That is close to impossible, actually, it is impossible.

Lunch today at Jun, another Chinese restaurant. I tried their sweet and sour chicken to compare with Lido and FuDo. The best! LOL! Don't need dinner today.

I swear I was in and awake when the postman drop this card! Even my flatmate said she didn't hear the intercom! These postmen are needles! Will have to go and collect it...soon =) *Excited*

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