Tuesday 28 October 2008


When someone says:
Phrase 1: "I will find someone to replace you"
Phrase 2: "You've replaced someone"
Which hurts more?

When you're in a relationship with someone and you get those, is that good or bad? Well it work both ways. It's how you want to see it. *Yin Yang* babeh! LOL!

Phrase 1: "I will find someone to replace you"
When you are in a relationship and you both have to part due to some unforeseen or foreseen circumstances, this phrase is often common. The question is, should I feel good about it or not?! You decide. The Yin bit: Someone could actually replace you?! You then wonder, how special you are to that person! How much have you influenced that person while you were together? The Yang bit: You are a big part of the person's life. He/She will have to find someone to replace you! Wow! It shows that you've influenced him/her in some way and that he/she needs to find someone to replace your absence.

Phrase 2: "You've replaced someone"
Most people find this phrase such a turn off. Being someone's replacement is never a good thing! Says who?! I think it's up to you to decide what to think and believe. Just often we fall in to the hands of norms and societal expectations. The Yin bit: As stated earlier, you replaced someone! Being a replacement?! Gosh! Devastating! He/She doesn't see you as an unique individual that he/she fell in love with. The ex is still in the picture and you resemble him/her! Urgh?! The Yang bit: You are as good as he/she expected. Don't think of yourself as a replacement. You are someone new and that you have qualities that match his/her previous expectations. Feel lucky that he/she doesn't compare you with his/her ex and feel that you're not good enough to even replace them. That will be ouch-ing!

Therefore, things are not always that bad. It's how you yourself feel you want to think. One tip, always aim for the positive and make choices that will make you feel on top of the world. Bring that self-esteem up! Don't think too much! We spend too much hours on thinking and not doing. Over thinking will make you neurotic and cast depression on yourself. Self-causing illness *shakes head*

Sekian Terima Kasih!

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