Friday 26 October 2007

Artistically deprived!

Another long day. Went for classes and had a group meeting. The assignments are getting more and MORE!!! *gasp* I'm kinda lost in some of them too =( Lately I've been staying up late and constantly being few minutes late for class (Don't worry, I'm adjusting my time) =p It used to be Prison Break that was keeping me up. Now it is the deprivation of not being able to express my 'artistic-ness'... LOL! I miss:
~Nail art + nail polish!!!

~Making cards!!!


~Drawing + sketching!!!

~Having choices to mix and match my clothes!!!

~Having choices for footwear!!!

~The colours or my clothes!!! LOL!

So, I was searching for D.I.Y. hair conditioner and facial masks recipe using cheap and available ingredients =p LOL! It is interesting really! Have yet to try =) Anyway, I shall try to sleep early today...
Owh...It is Nicholas's 19th Birthday today!!! Whee~ Happy Birthday dude! Wish I was there to celebrate with you!!! Anyway, best of luck to you yah! LOL!

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